Get Inked Page 18

I have to keep reminding myself that I have a plan for tonight, and I need to stick to it.

I stretch one arm across the back of the couch. “Go ahead and open it.”

Charlene shifts a little closer and peeks inside the bag. She pulls out the first wrapped item. “How many things did you get for me?”

“A few.”

She bites her lip, carefully peels off the sticker and unwraps the tissue paper. Inside is a pale, lacy bra and panty set. I wait for her reaction. This isn’t something Charlene would choose on her own. Before I started adding pieces to her collection, everything was black, blood red, or dark purple—some of it with quite a bit of…embellishment. I don’t have a problem with any of those colors, or the leather/metal enhancements. She looks amazing in everything she puts on her body, but I also like her in pretty, soft things, because they match far better who she is on the inside, even if she would like that to not be the case.

Charlene glances up at me, her brow arched. “This is pretty.”

I grin. “I know.”

“Should I try it on before I open the next one?”

“Open them all. Then you can try on the one you like the best first.”

By the time she’s finished unwrapping everything—it takes a long time since she’s so methodical about it—it’s already twenty after six.

I’m a little concerned at this point that Charlene isn’t going to have enough time to try all the items on. I’m also worried about the current state of my dick. My balls are starting to ache from the hard-on I’ve had since she answered the door. I really don’t want to have to sit through three hours of dinner, able to picture perfectly whatever she chooses to wear under her dress.

“Will you help me with this?” I’m unsurprised when Charlene picks up the lavender lace corset with dark purple ribbon accents. It has no cups, framing her breasts rather than covering them.

“Of course.”

I wait while she loosens the ribbon lacing up the back. When it’s ready, she stands in front of me and steps delicately into the corset, shimmying it up her legs and over her hips to her waist. Then she turns and gives me her back. Her ass—her perfect, luscious, sweet ass that I’m going to do dirty, unspeakable things to later—is right in my face. I run my hands over her hips, resisting the urge to cup and squeeze, which is probably what she wants me to do.

Instead, I move her forward a few steps until she’s in the center of the throw rug. Across the room on the wall is a huge mirror, giving us an excellent view of her new lingerie. I carefully pull the ribbons, making sure it’s even on either side before I move down to the next loop, until I’m at the dip in her spine. Then I help her roll on and fasten garters, stockings, and gloves, all with the same ribbon accents.

“What do you think?” she asks.

I glance up to meet her gaze in the mirror. She’s fingering her pearls.

“I think I should call the restaurant and tell them we need a later reservation.”

Chapter 7

Add Ons


It’s the middle of the week, and Violet is working on an account tonight, so I’m out with the guys, doing what we do when it’s off-season and we’re not working out: drinking beer and watching sports.

“They’ve got all the preliminary designs ready for us at Inked Armor. You guys wanna go check them out this weekend?” Randy’s focused on his phone.

Lance leans in closer, and his brow furrows. “Is the one with the heart for you? Gonna get that tattooed on your ass cheek?”

Ballistic elbows him in the ribs, causing Lance to hunch over and bang into the table, almost knocking over my pint glass.

“Lily’s having a design made up, you dick.”

“Lily’s getting a tattoo?” Lily’s always been pretty straight-laced and not the type I’d imagine would be interested in body art—but clearly I’m wrong, or dating Ballistic has changed that.

Randy smiles. “She sure is. I’m rubbing off on her.”

The way his eyes light up tells me he means this literally and figuratively. Lily’s my little sister’s long-time best friend, and therefore like a surrogate sister. She spent a lot of time at my house as a kid, being a pest, so now she’s family. It took a while for me to be okay with her dating Ballistic.

Not that he’s a bad guy or anything. He’s not. It’s more that those two are probably the horniest pair on the face of the Earth, and we all have to bear witness to their constant mauling. It’s a little weird for me. Not that Violet and I are any better—especially with how exuberant she can be.

Later this summer we’re planning a trip to the Chicago cottage, and I’m really hoping those two can rein in their fuckitude, as Violet calls it. I’m also hoping Violet can manage to tone down her enthusiasm just a little.

“Who’s putting the ink on her?” Lance asks.

“Hayden’s designing it.”

“Where’s she want it to go?” Miller asks.

Randy shrugs and checks his phone when it vibrates. “We’re gonna talk about it when we go in to look at the sketches. I’m kinda partial to her hip, but I think Lily might want it in a more visible spot, so we’ll see.”

“Hip tattoos are sexy on the ladies,” Lance says, then frowns. “But doesn’t that mean the artist will be all up in your girl’s shit?”

“Huh?” Randy’s still focused on his phone, which isn’t unusual. He’s often checking messages from Lily.

Lance points to his crotch. “He’ll have his hands near her pussy, aye?”

“He’ll be putting a tattoo on, not trying to finger-bang her,” Randy snaps, but he starts stroking his beard, which means he’s considering what Lance has accurately pointed out. “Besides, I’ll be there with her the entire time.”

“To supervise?” Lance needles.

“If you want to take this outside, let me know.”

Lance grins. “Don’t get yer panties in a twist, Balls. I’m just stating the obvious.”

“Hayden’s a professional. And she’s not getting it until after the summer is over, so we’ve got lots of time to compromise on a location.”

“We all carpooling? I can pick you up on the way.” I nod to Darren, who’s been relatively quiet. There’s a ballgame on, though, and Darren likes to watch any sport, not just hockey.

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