Hate Me Page 45

That’s the point.

“Isn’t this how you like it, Stray?” I push in a little more and spill my cum inside her, ignoring my own pleasure. “Because that’s how he does it, right?” Her soft cries cause something to thaw inside my chest. “He comes just as fast as he leaves you. Uses your body as his little fuck toy and takes advantage of you with his old, wrinkly dick.”

While making her believe it’s what she really wants.

She scrambles to the front seat of the jeep. “I hate you.”

Aspen keeps saying that shit, but I’m the only one who sees her.

The only one who can help her.

After tucking my dick back in my pants, I leave the backseat and open the driver’s side door.

Not finished making my point yet, I grab her jaw, forcing her to look at me. “But he’s such a good guy, huh?”

“He’s better than you.”

I snort, fury swelling inside my chest.

She’s so fucking wrong.

Because if she knew what I knew…she’d be looking at him like he was the monster instead of me.

Peeved, I stick my key in the engine. “I don’t want you seeing him again. Understood? Feed him some bullshit about wanting to focus on school and graduating. Hell, tell him whatever the fuck you want. Just make sure you end it.”

Pain etches across her face. “Why are you doing this to me?”

That’s where she’s wrong.

I’m not doing it to her…

I’m doing it for her.

Chapter 31



My lungs burned as my body silently begged for air.

Air I wouldn’t get until he permitted me to.

My father shouted something, but I couldn’t hear what because my head was submerged under the water filling the bathtub.

One of his hands was wrapped around the back of my neck, forcing my head down, while the other held both my arms behind me…ensuring I couldn’t fight back.

I wouldn’t, though. I never did.

Fighting back would only give him what he wanted.

And I would rather die than let him think he was winning.

My body jerked and thrashed against him, desperate for air, but my mind refused to concede.

I was only eleven—but one day I’d be bigger, faster…stronger.

One day, I’d strike when he least expected it.

The sound of my mother’s shrill, anguished scream broke through the haze.

“Trent, please,” she begged through sobs. “You’re going to kill him.”

I loved my mother more than life itself, but I really wished she’d stay the hell out of this.

Because the only thing worse than him attacking me…

Was when he attacked her.

As if on cue, he released his grip and stood.

His face twisted into a menacing scowl as he turned every ounce of his fury on my mother.

The sharp slap of his palm against her cheek was so forceful she fell against the bathroom door.

“I thought I told you to mind your fucking business when I’m talking to my son.”

His hand curled into a fist, no doubt getting ready to issue another punch.

That’s when I leapt up and jumped on his back.

“Run,” I told her as he wrangled me to the ground.

A minute later, severe cramping pain impaled my body and his taunting, dark laughter filled the air.

Every muscle in my body tensed and clenched as he continued to tase me.

He knew how much I hated that thing. It felt like being struck by lightning.

Only it didn’t last seconds.

It lasted so long, I was positive that either my heart would give out or I would die from the torture.

“Every action has a consequence,” he taunted, just like he always did.

The pain was so excruciating I barely registered when it finally stopped.

Dark eyes filled with venom stared down at me. “When are you gonna wise the fuck up and stop trying to be a hero?” His lips curled into a cruel smirk as he sent a sharp kick into my ribs. “You pissed yourself, boy.”

With those parting words, he walked out.

I curled up in a puddle of my urine, wondering how someone who was supposed to love me could be so evil.

“You better clean that piss up off the floor,” my father barked to my mother who was standing in the hallway.

I tilted my head so I could watch them.

“I will,” my mom responded, her thin frame shaking like a leaf in a hurricane.

He gripped her chin so hard I had no doubt it would leave another mark. “You will, what?”

She casted her gaze down, no longer daring to look at him. “I will, sir.”

“Damn right you will.” He reached down and pinched her ass. “Now give me a kiss before I leave for work.”

Nausea worked up my throat, and I closed my eyes. Desperate to feel better, I reached into my pocket. The silky material from the ribbon brushed against my fingers, taking me back to that moment on the playground, and the physical pain slowly subsided.

I survived.

After the front door slammed shut, my mother scurried back into the bathroom, looking so distraught my chest coiled.

“I’m so sorry, baby.” She quickly helped me up off the floor. “I can’t believe…” her sentence trailed off, and she gave her head a shake.

Try as she might, she could no longer deny it.

The man she fell in love with when she was sixteen no longer existed.

Somewhere along the way he turned into a cold, calculating, abusive piece of shit.

Sobbing, she wrapped her arms around me, clutching me to her chest.

“We’re gonna get out of here soon,” she promised, just like she always did.

I used to believe her…but not anymore.

Because while my mother’s side of the family was well off—on account of owning an oil company—and she had the money to escape and start over...

My father—Special Agent Knox—had all the power.

And he made damn sure we both knew we had nowhere to run.

And nowhere to hide.

Because sooner or later…he’d find us.

And when he did…

He’d kill us.

Chapter 32



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