Hate Me Page 46
I lie on my bed in the darkness, mustering up the courage to do what I know I have to do.
Not because Knox demanded it, but because deep down I know sleeping with another woman’s husband is wrong.
Everything about my relationship with Leo is wrong…and not in the sexy, taboo way I once tried to convince myself it was.
I latched onto him…because I’m damaged. Screwed up in the head.
A fucked-up girl with daddy issues.
Because I feared being truly alone.
Chest aching, I dial Leo’s number and bring the phone to my ear.
He answers after the second ring, his voice groggy from sleep. “Hello? Is everything okay?”
I hear the bed creak over the extension, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s lying next to her.
My throat burns and I close my eyes. I hope she can find it in her heart to forgive me.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah. Give me one second.”
A moment later, I hear what sounds like a door closing behind him.
“What’s wrong, honey?” Leo questions, his voice filled with worry. “You sound upset.”
There’s no easy way to say it, so I just rip the Band-Aid off.
“I can’t do this anymore.”
“Can’t do what anymore, honey?” There’s a sharp intake of breath. “Look, whatever is going on, please, don’t harm yourself. I’ll be right—”
“I’m not going to harm myself,” I assure him, and I honestly can’t believe that’s his first thought. It’s like he doesn’t know me at all. Either that, or he only wants to see me as a little broken bird who can’t take care of herself.
But I’m not. And I don’t need him to swoop in and save me.
He needs that.
“I’m just…it’s over, Leo.”
It feels like an eternity stretches between us before he finally speaks. “Why?”
Sitting up in bed, I draw my knees to my chest. “I want to focus on graduating. I’ll be leaving for college in a couple of months, and I think it’s best we end things before I go.”
I might have gone with Knox’s suggestion, but it’s not entirely false. Stanford is three hours away, so it will be hard to see each other.
Plus, I want to have the full college experience, and being tied down to him won’t give me one.
“I think you’re making a mistake.” Sadness fills his tone. “I love you, Aspen. You know that.”
But does he?
Because if he did, he would understand why I’m ending things. Hell, he would want me to end things.
He’d want me to go off to college and date guys my own age.
He’d want me to be independent, so I know that life can exist without him before I try to build a life with him.
He’d want me to be free…because expecting a teenage girl to carry the weight of a secret relationship with a married, older man isn’t fair.
What it takes out of me isn’t fair.
“I know you do, Leo, but—”
“I need you,” he pleads, like it’s physically breaking his heart. “Aspen, don’t leave me.”
It’s always about Leo.
What he wants.
What he needs.
It’s never about me.
Nothing is ever about me.
“I’m sorry,” I whisper, because I truly don’t want to hurt him. I just want it to be over. “But I need to do what’s best for me.”
He starts to protest again, but I hang up the phone.
I feel like a giant weight has been lifted off my chest…like I can finally breathe again.
Not only because I cut ties with Leo.
But because Knox can no longer blackmail me.
He can no longer hold anything over my head.
That knowledge fills me with an almost toxic sense of power.
It would be nice to steal some control from him for once. Maybe even scare him a little in the process.
Make him experience everything he makes me feel.
After tiptoeing down the stairs, I walk into the kitchen and grab a large knife from the wooden block.
I almost talk myself out of it, because this is fucking crazy…but a tempting, almost euphoric feeling washes over me as I walk outside in nothing but my t-shirt, wielding my big knife.
My footsteps slow as I open the back door and enter the basement. I move slowly and carefully as I tiptoe toward his bed, ensuring I don’t wake him.
It’s dark down here, except for the light coming from the flat-screen television in the far corner of the room.
Knox is still out cold when I reach his bed. He’s lying on his back shirtless, donning a pair of sweatpants. My heart hammers in my chest as I get closer, and I can’t help but take in the sharp angles of his gorgeous face, the dark stubble lining his strong jaw, the toned, lean muscles of his arms and stomach, and the indents of his lower abs that lead to the heavy, powerful thing between his legs.
Who knew monsters could be so beautiful?
Then again…that’s exactly what lures you in.
Beauty is an aphrodisiac that attracts everyone.
Steeling my spine, I place the knife to his throat.
His eyes pop open, but he doesn’t look scared.
Hell, he doesn’t even look surprised. Almost like he sleeps with one eye open.
His throat bobs against the knife as he swallows, yet he’s completely calm.
“I’m not your pawn anymore,” I inform him. “Your little blackmail bullshit is over.”
A smirk curls his lips. “Okay.” He looks down at the knife. “Is that all? Because I’m tired.”
Goddammit. Even when I’m the one holding a knife to his throat, he’s still the one in control.
I press the knife harder, hoping to scare him.
His lids lower, and his hand grazes my bare knee. “Why are you down here, Stray?” Ever so slowly, his calloused palm moves up my inner thigh. “What is it you really want?”
An electrifying tremble breaks free and I suck in a sharp breath when he cups me between my legs.
I hate how his touch feels like both damnation and deliverance.
Right and wrong.
Bad meets evil.
His free hand trails down his sculpted stomach until it disappears under his sweatpants.
My heart speeds up, pumping hard against my ribs when he pushes them down his hips and his weighty cock bobs out, slapping against his abdomen.