Millions Page 34

Dawn wasn’t far off, and we’d overstayed our welcome already. Elder must be capable of surviving because I couldn’t permit anything less.

Q had left the lounge an hour or so ago, and Tess appeared from the kitchen to join me on the couch.

Her voice remained hushed as if she was aware of the witching hour and all the nasties that lived within it. “Maître and I have come to an agreement. You and Elder are to stay here until he’s healed. Don’t think for a moment that just because day breaks you have to leave. Mrs Sucre loves any excuse to cook a feast, and her talent in the kitchen is bound to pile some healthy weight onto both of you.”

The men might’ve called a truce (for now), but I didn’t think that truce covered sharing food.

“Suzette, I’m sure, would love to talk to you more—now you’re not using her as a hostage.” Tess laughed. “And I, for one, would be happy to have someone I can talk to and not have to heal. It’s a very rewarding life we lead, but sometimes…it would be nice not to have to worry about what I say in case it’s incredibly painful for our guests.”

I tore my eyes from the fire’s flames to look at hers. The invitation to be her friend blew me away.

She smiled. “Of course, if that all sounds too much, then you can have food in your room and leave the moment Elder wakes.”

I didn’t know how to say how honoured I was. That the thought of talking—truly talking—was a dream come true, especially for a psychologist’s daughter who’d been taught to verbalize her demons in order to tame them.

But all I focused on was Elder.

All I could think about was Elder.

He was where my thoughts and heart lay. He was my first and only priority. “You’re very generous, and I’d love to say he’d accept your offer, but he won’t want to stay.”

She shrugged. “Is it really his choice when he can barely speak, let alone move?”

“He’ll be rude about it. He’ll say something like ‘I won’t sleep in my enemy’s house. Hell no.’ or something along those lines.”

Tess nudged my shoulder with hers, laughing under her breath. “You sound like you know him well.”

I cracked a smile. “I know enough to understand when he feels backed into a corner he snaps. He doesn’t mean to be cruel or ungrateful; he’s just so used to relying on himself. He refuses love and care from others as he can’t bear to be hurt again.”

“I know that feeling.” She rested her head on the couch. “He won’t change his mind on that matter. He won’t be able to after a life of conditioning.”

“So you’re saying he’ll forever need to be alone?” My heart squeezed. “That eventually, he’ll push me away, too?”

She closed her eyes, shaking her head a little. “I said he wouldn’t change his mind. It will always be there…that little survivalist telling him it’s safer to be alone. But he won’t be able to stop another changing it for him.” She chuckled. “You’ve already done that. He fell in love with you. He’s relying on you whether he wants to or not.”

I fell silent, absorbing that revelation.

Tess murmured sleepily, “If you make this about you, he’ll stay because he’ll do anything you ask of him.”

“I think you’re over estimating his love—”

Her eyes snapped open. “I’m not. Believe me. And you know that’s true. He almost died fighting for your honour. If you make it sound like staying here benefits you, he won’t argue.”

Patting my hand, she hauled herself to her feet. “I’m going to bed. I suggest you check on him, if only for your peace of mind. When six hours has passed, feel free to wake him and offer food and water. Perhaps a sponge bath would do him good as well.”

With a soft laugh, she left me alone, and I returned to counting the clock.

* * * * *

The scent of unwashed male and coppery blood met my nose the moment I cracked open the door.

I swallowed hard, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness as I stepped into the room.

Dawn pinked the sky and the gardens dazzled with newness but shadows held supremacy in here, holding court and casting long fingers over Elder, cloaking his injuries.

He didn’t stir as I turned and closed the door, holding my breath as I twisted the lock, and the soft click of it engaging echoed in the silent space.

Funny how only a few hours ago this door had been locked from the outside with enemies all around me. Now, I barricaded it from the inside with almost-friends keeping us safe.

I shivered from a sudden fear that he wouldn’t want me here. That he wouldn’t want me to see him like this even though it opened my heart to yet another level of love. Ever since he’d rescued me, I’d seen him as some immortal being who could slay anything and conquer anyone.

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