Millions Page 35
To see him this…human made me tumble all the way down from puppy love to bone-deep forever love. He was stuck with me in sickness and in health—regardless if he wanted me or not.
Breathing quietly, I made my way toward him, coming to a stop by the side of the bed.
In the silver-pink light, everything was pure and multi-dimensional. His ebony hair scattered on the white pillow, his cheeks hollow from pain and skin pinched from fever. New bruises mottled his cheekbones while one eyebrow swelled and his jaw had turned a sickly shade of green.
Beneath his blood stained clothes, his stomach rose and fell with breath, but concave with loss of food and energy. Even his hands weren’t safe from punishment with a finger bent abnormally and grazes on his knuckles.
And that was just the parts of him I could see.
What does he look like beneath his clothes?
Even with my morbid curiosity, I didn’t want to wake him—revelling in the opportunity to study him.
But either his instincts were too finely tuned or he’d been faking sleep as his eyes snapped open, unfocused but severe, ready for more war.
He groaned loudly as he tried to throw himself upright, only for every part of his body to scream a loud, unequivocal no.
Falling against the mattress, he grunted with agony, panting hard.
Grabbing his hand, doing my best not to squeeze parts I shouldn’t squeeze, I rushed, “It’s me. Just me.” My heart grew to the size of a forest, full of new leaves and old, a change of season from needing to be the one protected to the one doing the protecting. “I’m here. No one else. Just us.”
His breathing continued fast and ragged, but his eyes warmed and a gentle smile twitched his lips. “I thought you’d left me here to rot.”
I shook my head. “No, I was told not to disturb you. That you needed rest.”
“How long was I out? Ten minutes? Fifteen?”
My eyes widened, studying him for a prank. Did he honestly believe it’d only been that long? Glancing over my shoulder at the rapidly pinking sky, I said, “It’s almost a new day, El. You’ve slept six hours.”
“What?” He launched himself up, unsuccessful and crying out with a few growled curse words as the bed once again claimed him. “Goddammit, why didn’t Selix get me out of here? I don’t want to sleep in my enemy’s house. No fucking way.”
I laughed. I couldn’t help it. It was almost word perfect to the prediction I’d given Tess. “I thought you might say that.”
“And what did you think my reaction would be when I woke up to find I’d wasted almost an entire evening here?”
“I thought you’d be angry and suspicious and not able to relax.”
He huffed. “If you can guess my moods and pre-empt my needs, then why the hell are we still here and not on the Phantom?”
Tess’s advice swam in my head. “If you make it sound like staying here benefits you…he won’t argue.” Wasn’t that emotional manipulation? Wasn’t that unethical between two people who supposedly trusted each other?
I’d been lied to and controlled for too long to do it with Elder. The truth was the only way.
Straightening my back, I whispered in the dark silence, “I accepted their offer of staying for a little while.”
His face turned red with unchecked frustration. “You did what? Why? We don’t need them, Pimlico. That asshole shot me. I don’t want to spend any more time than necess—”
“You need rest, Elder.” Not letting his temper affect me, I remained calm and quiet. “You’re hurt. I can’t imagine Michaels advised a punch up so soon after being shot and beaten. You aren’t capable of going anywhere without it being detrimental to your health. Your finger needs attending to. Your ankle. Your arm. Not to mention all the other parts of you I can’t see beneath the covers.”
I tugged at the sheet around his chest. “What other injuries are you hiding? Can’t you admit for once that putting your health first is the best thing for everyone?”
He clutched the sheet, holding it tight and refusing to let me see. His eyes blazed, burying me beneath tension and guilt. “I want to be back on the Phantom, Pim. You know how I feel about being on land.”
I sighed. “I know. I get that. But would one night truly hurt?”
“One night? We’ve already endured one night.” He glowered. “That’s enough.” Tearing his gaze from mine, he looked at the door. “Go find Selix and tell him it’s time to leave.”
God, I suck at this.
He couldn’t leave. He could barely sit up. I couldn’t let whatever fever stalked him and whatever wounds drained him to make him worse.
I’d tried the truth, and it hadn’t worked with this pig-headed specimen of a man.
It was time to try a little white lie…for his benefit.