Shadowing Me Page 48

I pull my illegal Mini Uzi out of my saddlebag as my brothers pull massive machinery out of theirs. With quiet steps, we edge ourselves through the parking lot and against the wall of the building. Sniper guards our Prez, and I hold the door open while Pyro moves the barrel of one of his guns through the threshold. Once Smokey has a good grip on the large metal door, Pyro, ZZ, and I ease in. When the hall is clear, I give the signal to Smokey, and he relays one to Sniper and the Prez. It is so quiet you could hear a pin drop, and it automatically puts us in fight or flight mode.

Pyro rounds the corner and ducks behind a side wall, and we all very slowly follow suit. Pyro peeks around the wall, and flicks his fingers for me to move to the one across from us.

I crotch down and move quickly to the other side and motion for Smokey to follow. I’m about to say this was too easy. There is no fucking way in hell we can get away with coming in here and them not knowing, but then a bullet hits the wall next to Smokey.

“Why can’t you assholes talk shit out!” Alec’s loud voice booms out through the echo of the bullet. “This could have been fucking solved by now, but no, you want it all. You motherfuckers want goddamn everything!”

The Prez tries to slip from the safety of Sniper who is quick to jerk him back against the protection of the wall. “Don’t move,” Sniper growls at his brother.

“We tried to talk it out. We did. You could’ve made out like a bandit and took the money I offered and started up somewhere other than my fuckin’ town!” Prez tosses back.

“Which is the stupidest thing you could’ve offered me. Why the fuck would I have started a club here if I wanted to up and move two years later?”

This is going to take a long ass while.

Light comes from the hallway where the entrance door is, and I swing my gun in that direction. Shit! If he called for more backup, we are fucking cornered, and there is nowhere else to go. But it is much worse than that as I see two blonde heads come into view.

Mace Jr. and Sabine.

“Get the fuck down!” I roar as I reach for Sabine who, by my fucked up luck, is closer to me than Mace Jr. is.

Fire rings out, and our worst fear comes to life. The takeover has gone wrong. A bullet rips through Mace Jr.’s neck. His legs give out, and he tumbles backwards as ZZ rips from the wall, screaming at the top of his lungs.

“Take off your goddamn shirt and press it to his wound, you stupid bitch,” ZZ roars at Sabine when she comes to from the shock and does as he instructs.

“Them fuckers are dead!” ZZ thunders, murder rippling in his voice.

There is no next move as we all head straight into rapid fire, ducking behind everything we can. I end up behind the bar and can’t see any of my brothers. I can only see flying bullets and fire coming out of barrels when I jerk up and take blind shots.

When the gunfire slows, I wait a few moments before I peek out, and a bullet flies beside my head, shattering a bottle on the shelf behind me.

“Goddamn it!” I roar as I stand and aim at the Russian who almost killed my ass. “You better kill me before I blow your goddamn brains out!”

I don’t pull my finger away from the trigger, and bullets ping from my UZI and into his body, one right after another. His large frame falls to the floor. I duck back behind the bar, take an extra magazine out of my pocket, and let the empty one fall to the floor as I slide the new one in place.

“Head count,” Pyro yells. “Prez?”

Our Prez shouts he’s good.


He shouts he’s fucking peachy.


“I’m fucking still intact,” I holler.


A few seconds go by before he answers in a pained voice. “Took one to the fuckin’ shoulder.”

“ZZ,” Pyro calls.

“I’m fucking here and my son is fucking dead!”

Fuck, this shit has just moved to an entirely new level.

“You bastards killed my brother’s fucking kid. You’re all going to hell,” Prez howls right before guns start roaring again.

I’m finished with ducking behind this bar like a fucking pussy. This shit just got real, and I am about to kill me some fucking assholes! I take out my pistol and grip it with my left hand while I stand, firing rapidly at anything that moves and isn’t one of my brothers. Thank fuck for the leather cuts. My eyes see nothing but red and orange flashes, and my ears hear nothing but the explosion of bullets hitting all around me.

The gunfire comes to halt when one last person is left standing on the opposing side.


Go fucking figure his luck.

“ZZ, he’s yours,” Prez grits through his locked teeth. “Torture his sorry ass!”

I know just the place to take him so ZZ can unleash all his fury.

The dungeon.

“Grab a hold of him and follow me,” I say as I cough to clear my scratchy throat from the gun smoke and yelling.

My ears ring with echoes of the gunshots that linger inside of my head as we make our way to the dungeon. It isn’t a real dungeon, but it’s this club’s version of one. We ignore Alec’s cries of protests as I fling open the door and gesture them in with one hand. If they can’t figure out what to do with all the shit in here, then my brothers have no business torturing fuckers.

“Well, lookie there.” Sniper chuckles deviously at the sight of shackles hanging from the ceiling. “Chain him up so our brother can get his torch on.”

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