Shadowing Me Page 49

A smile lights my face and I grab one of Alec’s arms as the Prez grabs the other. We have him immobilized in less than a minute.

ZZ unclips a big ass knife from the holster on his hip and growls, “I ain’t playing games with this fucking piece of shit. I’m skinning him, and we’re gonna burn this fucking club to the ground with his ass still alive. I want him to feel the heat on his open flesh.”

If it weren’t such a good idea, I’d speak up about losing a perfectly good club, but this way, it will look like a kink accident gone wrong, while gangsters took a go at one another upstairs. Less cleanup for us is always a good thing.

A few things plague my mind. “Why the fuck were the Russians here, Alec?”

He doesn’t answer until ZZ holds his knife up to his throat, digs it into his flesh, and growls for him to answer my question.

“Fuck, okay.” He sputters. “I picked some random Russian strangers and paid them for protection.” He coughs and continues. “I apparently chose the wrong ones.”

“Yeah, no shit. Look where you are now, motherfucker. Poor intimidation tactics. Your assuming that we’re afraid of our enemies is the biggest mistake you made. Now, it will cost you your life.” Wait. “Where the fuck is Sabine?” I ask while I move away from Alec.

Smokey gestures behind him. “Thought she should see who the fuck she’s messing with. Bitch got her ass shot in the line of fire, too.” He hoots loudly.

The sound that comes from my mouth is anything but a sane one. The bitch fucking deserves the wound.

Alec’s whimpers grate on my nerves while we wait for ZZ to strip the flesh from his bones. This is going to be one nasty as hell torture session. ZZ keeps his leather gloves on and bitches that he’s about to ruin them. Chuckles light up the room, and they are anything but friendly.

“I think I’ll start with his back,” he murmurs while he cuts off Alec’s shirt.

I hold up my hand for ZZ to halt as I search for a ballgag. No way in hell can I take the excessive screaming for a minute longer. When I find a dirty one sitting on a shelf, it only lights my fury towards Alec. Fucking dumbass was slacking so bad.

“Use this germ infested fucker,” I growl as I toss it to ZZ.

He catches it, forces it into Alec’s mouth, and buckles the snaps in the back. “Look at that. We muffled the dog.”

ZZ cranks his neck side to side before he scrapes his long blade down half of Alec’s back. Alec’s eyes widen as a scream chokes its way through the gag. Blood pours as ZZ peels his flesh straight down to the bone. Sabine screams that we’re killing him, and I am surprised our Prez doesn’t slap her. When ZZ removes the second ribbon of muscle on the back, Alec passes out.

“What a little pansy ass.” I snort. “He can dish out pain, but the motherfucker sure as shit can’t take it.”

“Can two of you put my son in that bitch’s car? I’ll only be a little longer. It’s no fun when they pass out.”

Smokey grabs Sabine by the arm, yanks her up, and follows Sniper out of the dungeon.

I throw my head back and roar with laughter. My fucked up demons laugh along with me as ZZ moves to Alec’s front and begins to cut him there.

Alec’s eyes fly open for a split second before he passes right back out.

“Jesus fuck! Really?” ZZ laughs while he knives his way down through the cartilage and muscle.

That is one fucking, disgusting ass sight.

“Brother, that shit is fucked up,” I joke. My shoulders heave as nausea hits me, and I push the urge to upchuck away.

“No shit,” Prez retorts. His shoulders follow suit of mine. “Smokey sent a text. They’re takin’ your son back to the compound,” he informs us.

When ZZ hears the Prez, he lets out an animalistic roar and tears the last bit of flesh off Alec’s chest.

“I’m done. Let’s get the hell out of here,” he says while he cleans his knife on his pants.

“Pyro, do your thing, brother,” Prez tells him as we walk out of the dungeon, through the ruined club, and into the parking lot.

It’s time for damage control because I know my girl is going to be fucked up in the head over her brother’s death. I don’t wait for the rest of them. I can’t. Tatiana is going to be so tore up over this, who knows how the hell she will handle it.


Chapter Twenty-Five

Breakneck Chapter



I glare at my sister as Doc patches up her gunshot wound. She whines from the pain, and I want to slap the shit out of her, but I can’t because I’m lying down in bed, angry that I can’t get up. She is the last person that should be allowed to cry. She got Mace Jr. killed. Her claws were sunk so far deep in him, he couldn’t see past her beauty, and it cost him his life.

My hands shake with so much anger as I dial my mother on my cell. It goes straight to her voicemail, and without hesitation, I leave the nastiest message I have ever left a human being before.

“It’s Winter. You have one day to come and get your cunt of a daughter, or I’ll let the tabloids know everything there is to know about her slutty behavior!” I hiss into the receiver before hanging up.

“No reason to be such a bitch!” Sabine growls.

“People are dead because of you!” Unbelievable.

Doc closes his case, mumbles that she’ll be fine if she keeps the wound clean, and then walks out of my bedroom without another word. Who’s to blame him? He’s had to clean up our messes a lot lately. I don’t even want to know what is going on downstairs. I’m sure it is filled with hysteria, and ZZ, Tatiana and Berry are more than a mess.

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