The Peer and the Puppet Page 52

“You constantly bring up my family’s money as if it’s what truly separates us. Would you like to know the difference between you and I, little troublemaker? You run from your demons. I chase mine.”

Heart pumping and skin flushed with shame because maybe he was right, I could only muster through gritted teeth, “Get off me.”

“You’re free to go,” he replied matter-of-factly.

Still, he didn’t move an inch.

And because he wasn’t actually restraining me or even touching me for that matter, I realized he expected me to crawl if I wanted to leave.

Feeling murderous by the time I stood, I furiously brushed the sand caked on my skin and clothes, then started the short trek back to the bonfire without looking back.

Maybe Ever was right about being the clever one. I couldn’t help but feel as if I had drawn the short stick. We lived in the same house, rode to school together, shared meals, and have even kissed, but while he seemed to know my every thought, desires, and fear, I realized that I was not even close to discovering his.

Once I reached the bonfire, I headed straight for one of the large blue coolers. Before I could reach for the white lid, however, some guy shoved a fresh beer in my hands.

Returning his smile, I lifted the can. “Cheers.”

I had only just popped the top when the beer was plucked from my hand by Ever. I was too shocked to do anything but watch as he took a healthy gulp of my beer and gave who I assumed was our classmate a threatening look that sent him running to the other side of the party.

“Why did you do that?”

Rather than respond, he began rummaging through the cooler until he pulled out a beer, popped the top, and handed it to me.

Clutching the cold can to my chest, I repeated my question.

“Don’t take a drink from anyone else except Vaughn or Jamie,” he ordered.

“Afraid I’ll smear the McNamara name?”

“Nothing you do will be worse than what I’ll do if someone—” His eyes seemed to glow while heat bloomed in my belly, and desperation for him to finish that sentence filled me. Instead, he looked me up and down and said, “I still haven’t decided if you’re worth the trouble yet.”

I was still sneering at his retreating back when Tyra appeared out of nowhere and grabbed my shoulders.

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” she yelled.

“Are you okay?” Even while she shook me, it was hard to miss her flustered appearance.

“Where were you?” she demanded.

“In the corner feeling abandoned,” I deadpanned.

She managed to look guilty and satisfied all at once.

“Weren’t you just talking to Ever?”

“Are you really hooking up with Vaughn?” I shot back.

Her mouth fell open, and she resembled a fish as she stared back at me. “Where did you hear that?”

“Does it matter?”

She shifted from one foot to the other and studied the sand. “I guess not.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Hypocrite. Aren’t you keeping secrets of your own?

“Thought you’d be upset. You hate Ever, and Vaughn’s his best friend. I felt like I was betraying you.”

I almost corrected her about my feelings for Ever until I reminded myself that I did hate him. Or at least, I should. I came back to this town with the sole purpose of getting back at Ever McNamara, and instead, I found myself wanting to get close to him for entirely different reasons.

“I’m a big girl, Ty. You should do what makes you happy.”

It sounded like the truth, but it felt like a lie. I wanted to lash out and tell her that I did think hooking up with Vaughn was a betrayal. That she’d chosen their side. I couldn’t help but be wary and afraid. I’d lived my life having a mother who chose men over me every single day. Why would Tyra be any different?

“Really?” she squealed with her eyes wide and her hands clasped.

Just then, I felt her excitement and hope, and I realized these feelings she had weren’t a fleeting or sudden thing. Tyra had wanted this—wanted him—for a while. Likely before she ever knew I existed.

When I nodded, and she pulled me into a hug, I vowed that Tyra’s heart wouldn’t be a casualty of my war with Ever. Not by his hand or mine.

“Good!” She gave me one last squeeze of gratitude before letting go. “Because I have soooo much to tell you like what an amazing kisser he is.”

I groaned, now realizing the trap I’d fallen into. Gossiping about boys was so not my thing.

“I didn’t expect a guy like him to be so…attentive.”

My eyebrows rose at the direction this conversation was going. I also couldn’t help but wonder how far they’d gone. “Have you…”

“Slept with him? God, no. I’ve been holding him off because—” She nervously chewed on her lip, and I filled in the blanks.

“Because you’re afraid he’ll lose interest once you do?”

She nodded and looked bashful as she said, “I really like him, Four, and sometimes, I believe he’s truly interested in me.”

“Vaughn is probably used to having pussy served to him on a platter, so if he’s sticking around, I’m sure it’s because he likes you.” Or saw her as a challenge. I couldn’t voice my fear and risk erasing the happiness etched all over her face. Tyra was practically glowing. “Does your father know about you and him?”

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