The Peer and the Puppet Page 53
The glow was instantly shrouded by panic. “No, and I plan to keep it that way. He’d never approve of me dating one of his players. Especially his quarterback.”
“You can’t keep it a secret for long, Ty. People will talk.”
“We’re keeping things low key.”
“And whose idea was that?”
“Both of ours.”
I could sense she was becoming defensive, so I dropped the subject, chugged some of my beer, and tossed what was left into one of the blue barrels.
“I’m surprised you’re drinking after Ever’s party.”
If she only knew how I had to battle more than a hangover the next morning. “Uh, yeah. Have I apologized for that yet?”
“You did,” she called over her shoulder as she searched the cooler, “but I doubt you were sober enough to remember.”
Oh, but I remembered so many other things about that night. Ever driving me home, carrying me to my room, undressing me…
“Damn. There’s no more beer. Only the hard stuff.”
“Hey, I’ve got you covered, ladies.” Some guy with shaggy brown hair dug into the cooler next to him and produced two beers. He handed one to Ty and the other to me.
I shook my head and told myself I was just avoiding another hangover. He shrugged and introduced himself as Ryan, and then Tyra and I introduced ourselves. The guy mistook that as an invitation to hang around. Tyra started to take a sip when Vaughn appeared over her shoulder. I watched with wide eyes as he snatched the drink from her hand and shoved it into Ryan’s chest. Some of the beer spilled on his yellow and white striped shirt.
“Hey, man. What’s your problem?”
“You. Now leave my fucking party.”
“It’s a beach. It’s public property.”
“You’re either stupid or you don’t know who I am.” No one anticipated Vaughn fisting the guy’s shirt in his hand and lifting him as if he weighed nothing. “This all belongs to me, jackass. Including her.”
“Vaughn!” Tyra screeched in horror. “Put him down right now.”
His eyes flashed with irritation when he regarded my friend. She folded her arms and cocked her hip.
“I’m not kidding. I’ll leave,” she threatened.
Wordlessly, he tossed Ryan into the sand and stepped into Tyra’s space. Since she was bite-sized, she had to lean her head back pretty far to return his glare.
“Don’t take drinks from anyone,” he ordered and then stalked off. Vaughn’s scene hadn’t gone unnoticed, and I knew Tyra wouldn’t be able to keep him a secret for long.
I WATCHED THE WHOLE THING go down from the moment that eager fool approached the girls to the moment Vaughn returned looking like he’d swallowed piss.
For once, she hadn’t disobeyed me.
I was a little disappointed. I’d been looking forward to a second chance at spanking her ass, but knowing Four had finally learned her lesson got me just as hard. Go figure.
I had a hard time keeping my laughter in check when Vaughn stood in our circle again. “Everything okay?”
“Eat a dick.”
“Tyra really got under your skin, huh?”
Vaughn blew air through his nose. “That broad’s impossible. I’ve used all my best moves, and she’s turned me down every time.”
“So move on.”
“Can’t,” he said with a grunt. “She’s too interesting.”
“Yeah, but blue balls make you crabby,” Jamie instigated. “Besides, there are plenty of interesting girls who aren’t stingy. Donna Hill? She gives an interesting blowjob. Vicky Clark? Her handjobs are mind-blowing.”
“One of these days, you’re going to catch something you can’t get rid of,” Vaughn warned. “You’ve only been back for a few months, yet you’ve slept with more of the girls in this town than Ever and me combined.”
“That’s because they can’t get enough. I have a fresh and…exotic…perspective on things.”
“Bullshit,” Vaughn spat. “You’re no more Irish than Ever. Just because you’ve lived in Ireland doesn’t mean you aren’t an American shit like the rest of us.”
I lost my composure then. Jamie pretended to be offended for all of three seconds before he split his sides.
“True, but I can fake the accent and chicks dig it.”
After Jamie’s father died two years ago, my aunt had left Scotland to live closer to my grandparents in Ireland. It hadn’t been enough to keep Jamie out of trouble. When he was expelled, Aunt Dilwen washed her hands of him and shipped her eldest son off, thinking my father could set him straight. Lot of good he’s doing.
“Just sounds like you’re gargling mouthwash to me, but whatever gets you laid, man.”
“McNamara!” Turner called. He struggled to keep his hulking frame upright as the drink from his cup sloshed over the rim.
Vaughn scowled seeing Turner violate one of his rules: No getting hammered during the season. And for a guy Turner’s size to barely keep from face-planting in the sand, he’d probably have to drink half a fucking keg.
“We have a prop-sit-ion for you.”
Cooper and Kim weren’t far behind, and luckily, they seemed sober enough as they grinned my way. “Yeah, what he said…or tried to,” Cooper guffawed.