Veso Page 59

“Thank you for offering your scouts. They were amazing.”

Veso was done listening to the political bullshit and backed up until he reached the door. He spun then, ignoring his father’s frown, and fled. He had heard enough. The clans were getting along. Lorn would be a good leader. He wanted to go see Glenda.


He’d made it halfway down the stairs when his father’s low voice stopped him. He gripped the railing and twisted, glaring up at him. “I want to see Glenda, not listen to them pay tribute to each other for not fighting about what needed to be done. That nest was a threat to us all.”

Bran walked down the stairs to him and gripped his shoulder. “I understand but I wanted to speak to you first.”

“You aren’t talking me out of taking Glenda as my mate. Get over her being human.”

His father’s grip tightened painfully but Veso didn’t flinch away. “Don’t insult me.” His fingers eased and released. “I am glad you found a woman you want to share your life with. I was just going to suggest you take things slow for her. She is human, after all. They don’t trust their instincts, if they even have any. The time you’ve spent together has been stressful. Perhaps she’d agree if you showed her a less violent side of yourself.”

“She’s getting me for a mate. This is who I am.”

“It’s not an insult but she’s not a VampLycan. Her world was much softer than the one we live in. I’m positive that the bloodshed she’s witnessed has traumatized her.”

“She’s tougher than you believe, Father.”


“Yes. I expected tears, for her to break down or even start screaming when I had to kill in front of her. She could have tried to run away from me but she didn’t. Glenda is brave and strong inside. Even when I showed my temper she stood up to me. She saw what I was capable of, yet held her ground.”

“She’s losing a lot if she stays here with you. Have you considered that? I’m certain she has.”

“We both know she’ll never be safe returning to the life she had. What if that master told his council about his plan to breed her with a VampLycan? He only had two Vampires with him—that we know of. And I’m betting he left a nest behind somewhere in order to come here short term. I can’t see that asshole not growing a large one to make them adore his stupid ass. They may know her name and go after her to seek vengeance for his death.”

“How did she react to that theory?”

“I haven’t mentioned it to her.”

“Why not? It might help her agree to be your mate.”

“She’s mine regardless of what she wants.” Veso turned and quickly went down the stairs and headed toward the kitchen, where the basement stairs were located. He heard his father coming after him again and spun, halting fast, and growled. “What now?”

“You can’t just mate her against her will. She’d grow to hate you,” Bran argued.

“Let me handle Glenda. It won’t be by force once I sink my fangs into her and share my blood.”

“I think you should give her more time.”

“I didn’t ask for your advice.”

“Do you think I wasn’t tempted to bite into your mother and make her take my blood to form a bond? I was. She had my son, yet refused to allow me to take you out of this hellish clan. It was my worst nightmare. She pledged you to Decker to be raised as one of his assassins. I figured she’d at least share my misery at what she’d done if she had to feel it through our link. I didn’t though. It’s wrong to force a mating, regardless of the circumstances.”

“Glenda and I are meant to be mates. I was resistant at first but she’s mine. She’ll realize we belong together once she stops being stubborn.”

Bran shook his head. “It will be a mistake.”

“It’s mine to make.”

“You’re my son, damn it! I’ve seen you miserable enough for too many years. Take her home today, spend time with her, and allow her to get to know you when you aren’t being chased or hunted. Give her a few days. As your mate, she deserves your best effort to make her happy. It’s not just about you, Veso.”

He took a deep breath and blew it out, thinking. His father had always been too wise. “I would do anything for her.”

“Then give her a few days. Don’t force this on her. Seduce her, charm her, and wait for her to agree.”

“Fine. I’ll take her to my den. Will you trail us to make certain there are no issues? I don’t want to have to kill anyone else in front of her if they decide to be rude to my human.”

“Not your den. Take her to your home.”

“It’s safer there.”

“You’re still in the mindset that Decker rules this clan, but he doesn’t. There’s no need to hide your human. Word will spread or Lorn will announce it at some point. I’ll guard your home so no one can attack without getting through me first. It’s best to learn who your enemies are. Let them strike if they plan to. We’ll take them out. That’s what Lorn has done.”

Veso considered it. “She’d be more comfortable in my home than the den.”

“That’s very true. Just be patient with your Glenda.” He paused. “She also enjoys being called Glen.”

“It’s a man’s name. I refuse.”

“It’s the name she chooses. Respect that.”

Veso growled and spun, resuming his walk to the stairwell of the basement. His father didn’t follow him that time.

Davis sat in a chair in the hallway with a book. He smiled when he saw him, standing.

“You’re back. I’ll let Kira know and go upstairs with her. Is Lorn in his office?”

“Yes. He’s filling in the other clans. Thank you for guarding Glenda.”

“It’s been quiet. The most aggressive ones have already challenged Lorn, if they were unhappy about him mating Kira and taking over the clan, so it’s the sneaky ones we have to watch out for.”

“I expect they’ll have issues with me taking a human mate. At least Kira was raised with us.” Veso just didn’t give a damn. He’d rip anyone apart who tried to hurt Glenda.

“No one at the lodge would gossip so I doubt many are aware that she’s here. You might want to speak to Lorn about announcing it to the clan at once, so you can see who reacts badly to it and we can watch them.”

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