Veso Page 60

“That’s what my father spoke of. Right now, I just plan on taking her to my place and resting.”

“Of course. We’re just glad you’re not dead. We thought you were for a while.”

“I’m grateful to be home.” Veso passed Davis and entered the one-bedroom guest quarters. He paused inside the door, meeting Glenda’s stare from the small kitchen. She was doing dishes.

She turned off the water, rounded the small island, and rushed at him.

“You’re okay!”

It pleased and surprised him when she threw herself against him, hugging his waist. He grinned, holding her close. “You’re happy to see me.”

She lifted her chin. “Of course I am. I was worried.”

“You do care.”

She tried to back up and let him go. He hugged her tighter.


Glen had been so worried that she’d just reacted instinctually when Veso had walked in. Happy didn’t cover what she felt, knowing he was alive and well. Elated, overjoyed, and relieved were words that came to mind. One glance at his expression though had her pulling it together. “Do you have to look so smug? They had dart guns and you went in at night, when those creeper things weren’t lying on the floor half out of it. I imagined the worst.”

“We had plenty of support. I’m an excellent fighter. There was no doubt that I would survive.”

“Well, I wasn’t so sure.” She realized he had dried blood on him and cringed. “E Let me go.”

He finally released her and allowed her to back up. She studied his clothes. He’d changed them before he’d left, since he wasn’t wearing what he had been the last time she’d seen him. The fact that they were covered in blood, some ashy soot, and other things meant he’d gone after the nest in what he now wore.

“You should take a shower. Are you hungry? Davis brought some groceries over. I could make you something.”

“That’s a caring chore a mate would do.” He grinned. “Worrying about me, wanting to feed me.”

He might be amused but she wasn’t. “Go shower. I’ll fix you something.”

“I want to take you to my place right now.”

“The den you told Lavos you wanted to stash me in? I have to admit I’m so tired of dirt and rock, being below ground in that mine for as long as I was.”

“I’ve changed my mind about taking you there. I have a cabin. It’s something I built. You’ll like it.”

“Am I no longer in danger?” She’d felt welcome at the lodge.

“Possibly. It’s complicated.” He held out his hand. “Come with me. I want to leave the lodge.”

She trusted him. He’d kept her safe so far. “Okay. I think you should shower first.”

“I will when I get us home. My clothes are there.” He led her out into the hallway. Davis was gone. They exited a stairwell that led upward and to the back of the building. Veso kept hold of her hand and led her into the woods. She spotted some homes but they didn’t go close to any of them, keeping off the trails.

“How far out do you live?”

“Far. Do you want me to carry you?”

“No. I was just curious.” She saw fewer homes as they walked deeper into the woods. He kept at a fast pace that she struggled to keep up with. “How big is your, um, territory?”


“Don’t you guys have ATVs or something?”

“We do but they are annoying. We have enhanced hearing and the noises from the engines tend to grate on our nerves. They are only used if we have to bring something extremely heavy or large to homes.”

“So you just walk everywhere?”

“You’re so human.” He grinned.

“I am.” She didn’t feel sorry about that, but she glanced at Veso’s body. No wonder he was so in shape. Just traveling from the lodge to his cabin was giving her a workout. Her calf and ass muscles were feeling the burn.

“We’re almost there.”

“Good.” She was a little out of breath and her throat was dry. “Next time I’ll bring some water for the long hike.”

Veso halted and made her gasp when he just scooped her up in his arms. She hesitated but wrapped her arms around his neck. They passed a stream, then he carried her up a small hill. He stopped and put her on her feet at the top.

“There it is.”

She turned her head and stared at the cute A-frame cabin. It looked like something out of a magazine, only without a garage, driveway, or sidewalk. The trees had been cut back around the structure to make a clearing where the cabin sat in the middle. “You built this?”

“My father helped.”

“It’s impressive.” She peered at him.

His features showed his uncertainty and he frowned.

“I’m serious. It’s beautiful.” She turned her head, staring at his home again. “It looks as if a professional built it.”

He grumbled low.

She met his gaze. “What?”

“We don’t hire construction crews like you do in your world to build homes. We do it ourselves.”

“To keep humans away?”

“We just don’t need them.”

She sealed her lips and nodded. Sometimes when he acted sweet, she forgot about how much he held a grudge against her kind. He began to walk again so she followed him to the front door. He just gripped the handle and pushed it open.

“You don’t lock your doors?”

“I wasn’t home. There was no reason to do so. VampLycans don’t steal from each other.” He moved out of the way and jerked his head, his gaze scanning the area. “Go inside.”

She stepped into his living room and openly admired the log beams overhead. She glanced down. “Hardwood floors. Don’t tell me you made those too?”

He snorted, closing the doors. “I installed them but no, I didn’t make them. I ordered them online and we picked them up from the lodge. We do buy things from your world. I didn’t make the glass for the windows either.”

The room was open from the living room to the kitchen. The fireplace was large, all gray stones. “Those look real.” She pointed.

“They are. I handpicked each rock from the creek. Are we going to discuss every feature of my cabin?”

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